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Friends of Rosa



It was a very special experience for me to have a photoshoot with Rosa and her brother and sister.


Hello, my name is Rosa and I am 10 years old.

Due to lack of oxygen at birth, I suffered cerebral palsy. Because of the brain damage, I cannot sit , talk or walk. Andepilepsy controlled a large part of my life.

Just like all children, I would like to wear pretty, colorful and comfortable clothes which makes  it easier for my mom and dad to dress me.

Because that kind of clothing is not so easy to find, my mom makes very pretty dresses for me herself.

My friends are a little bit jealous and therefore my greatest wish is that they can wear nice and comfortable clothes as well.

When my mom told this to Cathy Moelans, she was impressed by the idea to start  a collection of special clothes for me and my friends..

And so "Friends of Rosa" was born!
